Is Blog Commenting Still Effective in 2024?

Is Blog Commenting Still Effective

Hello there! Today, we’re diving into a question that many bloggers and digital marketers have been asking: Is blog commenting still effective? Whether you’re a seasoned blogger or just starting, you’ll want to know if this old-school strategy still has a place in your toolkit. Let’s break it down using the AIDA method – Attention, Interest, Desire, and Action – to keep things engaging and straightforward.

The Power of a Comment

Think about the last time you left a comment on a blog. Maybe it was to ask a question, share your thoughts, or even connect with the author. That simple act of commenting can do more than you think. It grabs the attention of the blog owner and other readers. Imagine your comment standing out and drawing people to your blog or business. Pretty cool, right?

Why Should You Care?

Now, you might be wondering, “Why should I care about blog commenting in 2024?” Great question! Here are a few reasons:

  1. Build Relationships: When you leave thoughtful comments, you start building relationships with bloggers and their readers. This can lead to collaborations, guest posts, and even friendships.
  2. Increase Traffic: A well-placed comment can drive traffic to your site. If you add value to the conversation, people will want to know more about you and visit your blog.
  3. Boost Your SEO: While the SEO benefits of blog commenting have changed over the years, leaving comments on high-quality blogs can still help with backlinks and site authority.
  4. Learn and Grow: By engaging in blog comments, you’re exposed to different perspectives and ideas, which can inspire your own content.

Imagine the Benefits

Picture this: You’re scrolling through your favorite blog and see a thoughtful, engaging comment. You’re curious, so you click on the commenter’s name and land on their blog. You find even more great content there. Wouldn’t it be great if that commenter was you?

At One Viral Media, a digital marketing agency, we’ve seen firsthand how powerful blog commenting can be. Our clients have used this strategy to grow their audience, build authority, and even increase their sales. You can check out more tips and success stories on our website,

Start Commenting Today!

Ready to give blog commenting a try? Here’s how to get started:

  1. Find Relevant Blogs: Look for blogs in your niche with active comment sections.
  2. Be Genuine: Leave thoughtful, genuine comments that add value to the conversation. Avoid spammy or self-promotional remarks.
  3. Include Your URL: Most blogs allow you to include a link to your website. Make sure to use it!

By following these steps, you can harness the power of blog commenting and see real results. Don’t just take our word for it – try it yourself and watch your online presence grow.

Remember, if you need help with your digital marketing strategy, One Viral Media is here to assist. Visit to learn more about our services and how we can help you succeed.

So, is blog commenting still effective? Absolutely! It’s a timeless strategy that can help you build connections, drive traffic, and enhance your online presence. Happy commenting!


Advantages and Disadvantages of Blog Commenting

Blog commenting has been a staple in the digital marketing world for years. While it has evolved, it remains a valuable tool for bloggers and marketers alike. Let’s take a closer look at both the advantages and disadvantages of blog commenting.

Advantages of Blog Commenting

1. Build Relationships and Community

  • Networking: Leaving thoughtful comments helps you connect with bloggers and their readers, fostering relationships and community engagement.
  • Collaboration Opportunities: Strong connections can lead to guest posts, collaborations, and partnerships.

2. Increase Traffic

  • Drive Visitors to Your Site: Engaging comments can attract readers who click on your profile link to learn more about you and your content.
  • Targeted Audience: Comments on niche blogs attract visitors interested in your topic, increasing the chances of gaining loyal followers.

3. Enhance Your SEO

  • Backlinks: While the SEO value of comment links has decreased, they still contribute to your site’s backlink profile.
  • Increased Visibility: Consistently commenting on high-authority blogs can boost your site’s visibility and authority.

4. Gain Knowledge and Insights

  • Learn from Others: Engaging in blog comments exposes you to diverse perspectives and ideas, which can inspire and inform your own content.
  • Stay Updated: Active participation in comments keeps you updated on trends and discussions in your niche.

5. Establish Authority

  • Show Expertise: Thoughtful, insightful comments demonstrate your knowledge and position you as an authority in your field.
  • Build Credibility: Regularly contributing valuable insights enhances your reputation and credibility.

Disadvantages of Blog Commenting

1. Time-Consuming

  • Effort Required: Leaving meaningful comments takes time and effort, which can be demanding if you’re trying to engage on multiple blogs.
  • Consistency Needed: To see significant benefits, you need to comment consistently, which can be challenging to maintain.

2. Risk of Spam

  • Spammy Comments: Poorly written or overly promotional comments can be seen as spam, damaging your reputation and potentially getting your comments deleted.
  • Moderation Issues: High-traffic blogs often have strict moderation policies, so your comments might not always get published.

3. Limited Direct SEO Impact

  • No-Follow Links: Many blogs use no-follow links in comments, which don’t directly boost your SEO, though they still have some indirect benefits.
  • Low-Quality Blogs: Commenting on low-quality or irrelevant blogs won’t provide meaningful SEO benefits and could even harm your reputation.

4. Potential for Negative Feedback

  • Criticism: Public comments can invite criticism or negative feedback, which you must handle professionally and constructively.
  • Reputation Risk: Poorly thought-out comments can harm your credibility and reputation if they come across as ignorant or offensive.

5. Engagement Challenges

  • Low Interaction: Some blogs have inactive comment sections, leading to little or no engagement, making your efforts feel wasted.
  • Overcrowded Comments: On popular blogs, your comment might get lost among hundreds of others, reducing its impact.

Finding the right blogs to comment on is crucial for maximizing the benefits of blog commenting. Here are some popular and high-quality sites across various niches where you can leave thoughtful comments to build relationships, drive traffic, and enhance your online presence.

Some Blog Commenting Sites

Digital Marketing and SEO

  1. Moz
    • Website:
    • Known for its insightful posts on SEO and digital marketing, Moz’s blog is a great place to engage with industry professionals.
  2. Neil Patel
    • Website:
    • Neil Patel’s blog covers a wide range of digital marketing topics and attracts a large audience.
  3. HubSpot
    • Website:
    • HubSpot’s blog provides valuable content on marketing, sales, and customer service, making it ideal for engaging discussions.

Technology and Startups

  1. TechCrunch
    • Website:
    • A leading source for tech news and analysis, TechCrunch’s comment sections are active and diverse.
  2. Mashable
    • Website:
    • Covering technology, digital culture, and entertainment, Mashable’s blog attracts a wide audience.

Personal Finance and Investing

  1. The Financial Diet
    • Website:
    • This blog offers practical advice on budgeting, saving, and investing, with an active community of readers.
  2. Mr. Money Mustache
    • Website:
    • Focused on financial independence and early retirement, this blog has a dedicated and engaged readership.

Lifestyle and Wellness

  1. Zen Habits
    • Website:
    • A popular blog about simplicity, mindfulness, and personal development with an engaged community.
  2. Tiny Buddha
    • Website:
    • Covering topics like happiness, love, and mindfulness, Tiny Buddha’s blog encourages thoughtful discussion.

Food and Cooking

  1. Smitten Kitchen
    • Website:
    • A beloved food blog with delicious recipes and an active comment section.
  2. Minimalist Baker
    • Website:
    • Focused on simple, quick recipes, Minimalist Baker’s blog attracts a large audience of food enthusiasts.


  1. Nomadic Matt
    • Website:
    • A leading travel blog offering tips and advice for budget travelers with an engaged community.
  2. The Blonde Abroad
    • Website:
    • A travel and lifestyle blog with vibrant comment sections, especially popular among solo female travelers.

Health and Fitness

  1. Nerd Fitness
    • Website:
    • This blog combines fitness tips with a fun, nerdy twist, attracting a passionate community.
  2. Mark’s Daily Apple
    • Website:
    • Focused on primal living and health, this blog has a dedicated and active readership.

FAQs About Blog Commenting

1. What is blog commenting?

Blog commenting is the practice of leaving responses or thoughts on a blog post in the comments section. It allows readers to engage with the content and the author, fostering a community around shared interests.

2. Why should I comment on blogs?

Commenting on blogs can help you build relationships, drive traffic to your site, establish your authority in a niche, and learn from others. It’s a valuable tool for networking and gaining visibility in your industry.

3. How can blog commenting benefit my SEO?

While the direct SEO benefits of blog commenting have diminished due to no-follow links, it can still help indirectly. It can increase your site’s visibility, drive traffic, and contribute to your backlink profile if done on high-quality, relevant blogs.

4. What makes a good blog comment?

A good blog comment is thoughtful, relevant, and adds value to the discussion. It should be respectful, concise, and free from self-promotion. Engaging with the content and asking questions can also make your comment stand out.

5. How often should I comment on blogs?

The frequency of your comments depends on your goals and time availability. Aim for consistency without sacrificing quality. Commenting on a few high-quality blogs regularly is often more effective than leaving many comments on less relevant sites.

6. Are there any risks associated with blog commenting?

Yes, there are some risks, including being perceived as spammy if your comments are overly promotional, facing potential negative feedback, and wasting time if you comment on low-quality or inactive blogs. It’s essential to be genuine and selective about where you comment.

7. How can I find blogs to comment on?

Look for blogs in your niche with active comment sections. You can use search engines, social media, and blog directories to find relevant blogs. Popular sites like Moz, Neil Patel, and HubSpot are good starting points for digital marketing.

8. Can I include links in my blog comments?

Many blogs allow you to include a link to your website when you comment. However, avoid including additional links in the comment body itself unless it’s highly relevant and adds value to the discussion. Excessive linking can be seen as spam.

9. What should I avoid when commenting on blogs?

Avoid leaving generic or irrelevant comments, overly self-promotional content, and links that don’t add value. Also, steer clear of negative or disrespectful remarks. Focus on being constructive and engaging.

10. How can I track the impact of my blog comments?

You can track the impact of your blog comments by monitoring your website’s traffic and referral sources using tools like Google Analytics. Look for any increases in traffic or engagement coming from the blogs where you’ve commented.

11. Is blog commenting still effective in 2024?

Yes, blog commenting remains effective in 2024 for building relationships, driving targeted traffic, and establishing authority. While the SEO benefits have evolved, the community and networking advantages continue to be significant.

12. How can One Viral Media help with my blog commenting strategy?

At One Viral Media, we offer comprehensive digital marketing strategies, including guidance on effective blog commenting. Visit to learn more about our services and how we can help you grow your online presence.

Blog commenting is a powerful tool when used correctly. It can enhance your digital marketing efforts, build relationships, and increase your visibility online. By following best practices and avoiding common pitfalls, you can make the most out of your blog commenting strategy. For more insights and assistance, reach out to One Viral Media.

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